DataWorks Recycling Services
DataWorks delivers the best services and products and does it's part for the environment.
Can you help?

DataWorks partners with Dell/GoodWill offer recycling for your old computer systems and accessories.
This includes printers, scanners, fax machines, desktop servers, monitors, handheld devices, etc. This includes the associated external components such as cables, mice, keyboards, etc.

Why recycle? Obsolete computers or other electronics are a valuable source for secondary raw materials, if treated properly; if not treated properly, they are a source of
toxins and carcinogens. Rapid technology change, low initial cost, and even product leasing have resulted in a fast-growing surplus of computer or other electronic components around the globe.

DataWorks can assist you with getting rid of that old equipment. With little or no cost to you depending on the amount of devices to be recycled.

To setup an appointment to have your old equipment recycled contact:
DataWorks via email at or by phone (313) 587-3762